A cartoon to enjoy while I am travelling …

There will be no blog post as such today – it is Wednesday, so a day I am reserving for other things. But I am also travelling most of today and cannot write much. So today there is a cartoon, a podcast, some begging, and plenty of travelling music. Back in full tomorrow.

First Dog on the Moon on Unemployment

Given yesterday’s theme (unemployment etc), this First Dog on the Moon analysis which appeared in the UK Guardian last week (December 12, 2018) – Unemployment: individual character flaw or mere feature of capitalism? – is worth reflecting upon.

FDOTM is my favourite cartoonist. Some of the humour is typically Australian but the message is universal.

The annual FDOTM calendars are also worth supporting.

Podcast on MMT

I forgot to publicise this – Podcast on MMT – I did with the Reknr Crew in London on November 13, 2018.

Patricia and Christian are doing great work promoting Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) within the British political system.

Call for financial assistance to make the MMT University project a reality

I am in the process of setting up a 501(c)(3) organisation under US law, which will serve as a funding vehicle for the MMT Education project – MMT University – that I hope to launch early-to-mid 2019.

For equity reasons, I plan to offer all the tuition and material (bar the texts) for free to ensure everyone can participate irrespective of personal financial circumstance.

Even if I was to charge some fees the project would need additional financial support to ensure it will be sustainable.

So to make it work I am currently seeking sponsors for this venture.

The 501(c)(3) funding structure means you can contribute to the not-for-profit organisation (which will be at arm’s length to the not-for-profit educational venture) in the knowledge that your support will not be publicly known.

Alternatively, if you wish to have your support for the venture publicly ackowledged there will information presented on the Home Page of the MMT University to acknowledge that funding.

To ensure the project has longevity I am hoping to obtain some long-term support proposals.

At present, I estimate I will need about $A150k per year.

Note that most of these funds will support an administrative support staff (1 person fractional), data charges, and video editing and design staff (as needed).

I will personally take no payment for the work I am putting into the project nor will other key Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) academics, who have agreed to help in the educational program.

So I cannot do this without sufficient support. My research group does not have the financial capacity to support this venture.

I also do not wish to place advertisements on my blog posts.

You will be contributing to a progressive venture.

Please E-mail me if you can help.

I have some funding pledges already but I am not near the target yet.

Music to travel with …

This is one of my favourite Leonard Cohen songs from the 1968 Album – The Songs of Leonard CohenThe Master.

I was still at High School when this came out and couldn’t believe the sound when I first heard it. I still have the version of the album that I purchased in 1969.

It influenced the way I play guitar I might add.

I was lucky enough to see Leonard Cohen play live near to Newcastle some years ago. It was a great evening.

All his albums are on my iPhone and are played to death – if an MP3 can be so characterised.

And then I turned to some Dire Straits (about the only song from them that I like) – Brothers In Arms.

I like it mostly because of the way the organ builds the song starting at around 5.35 (turn it up). Beautiful.

And it is quite an esoteric day. I am not a great Pink Floyd fan by I always liked this song – Have a Cigar – from the 1975 album – Wish Your Were Here.

Some great playing.

You can see I spent my time wisely today!

That is enough for today!

(c) Copyright 2018 William Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Hi Bill,
    Just wanted to let you know that this sentence is missing some key info:
    “At present, I estimate I will need about per year.”

    Curious to know how much funding such an endeavour requires.

  2. Have you considered a crowd-funding site? I’m sure quite a few people around the world would be willing to contribute smaller one-off amounts.

  3. In Sweden it was a Social democratic government, supported by The Left Party (former Left Party Communists) and the Green party that change social laws that made Work Fare legal. That was roundabout 2003.

    The big Consolidating Labour organization (closely knitted to the Social democrats) refused to make complain with ILO. Despite it was possible.

    The Neo-liberal fake economic model are deeply entrenched in all of society.

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